Other Sites

If ya wanna know where to find me on other sites, then lookie 'ere!



I'm the most active here. I post my art here and reblog stuff I like!



I mostly just post my art here, I'm less likely to retweet stuff but it happens!



If you're looking for art only, this is the place! I'm still posting older art here though.



Here's where I got my OCs! It's still a W.I.P though, so be wary!

Site Resources

Here's some neat little resources if ya wanna decorate your site!

Gifs & Such


GifCities is an archive of all kinds of gifs from old, archived Geocities websites! You can find some real gems in here if you're patient.

99Gif Shop

While it's got a smaller inventory than GifCities, there's more gems in here in my opinion!

Photos & Such


Pexel's great if you're lookin' for free photos! Every photo here is either under their own F2U license, or the Creative Commons license.


Pixabay's also useful for this! They even got things like sound effects! They're a bit more strict when it comes to commercial use, but that shouldn't be a problem when it comes to site-buildin' :-)

Buttons & Blinkies

88x31 Button Maker

A nice and simple button maker! Lets you upload a background image, change text alignment, stuff like that!


A very wonderful site with many blinkie templates for you to choose and edit! They also have a Blinkie Making Tutorial if you want to fully make your own C-:



Yeah so apparently someone managed to make a browser-based image-editing program that has just about as many features as Photoshop. Neat!

Color Hex

I tend to use this site when I'm needin' to preview any colors I'm adding to my site. Hopefully it's helpful for you, too!